Join us at Diggers!
ALL items are just $1.50 each!
New items arrive daily
Monday – Saturday 11 am -7 pm
Sunday 11 am – 6 pm
Q. What is Diggers?
Diggers strives to carry a massive selection of all things physical media in all formats.
We believe that Physical Media is still a very important way to enjoy and discover all sorts of amazing art. In a world of steaming and constant distraction from the digital world our goal is to give YOU the ability to take a step back and find excitement in a good book or interesting record for a price that gives you the ability to walk out with handfuls of items to enjoy.
We consider Diggers a true “anti-algorithm” company meaning we want YOU to decide what to consume. Why scroll aimlessly when you can discover new and interesting movies, music and books in physical format and always have it available when you choose to enjoy it.
We also believe that it is important to keep these items out of landfills and instead offer a way to repurpose physical media and get the items in the hands of people to continue to enjoy.
We appreciate the Ann Arbor community for welcoming us and look forward to offering a wide variety of items for you to enjoy.
Q. Are Resellers Welcome?
Resellers are welcome! But please, follow the rules.
- Be respectful of other shoppers
- Leave the space in an orderly fashion
- ABSOLUTELY NO markings of any kind on the merchandise
Q. Where are you located?
Kerrytown Shops
410 N. 4th Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Where in Kerrytown Shops?
We’re in the basement of Kerrytown Shops below Spun. It’s off the 4th St. parking lot entrance. Just go down the stairs.
Monday – Saturday 11 am -7 pm
Sunday 11 am – 6 pm